Should I Treat it or Leave it?
What is a verruca?
Verruca is a viral skin infection, which caused by the Human Papilloma Virus. It can be contagious and is usually picked up from changing room floors, swimming pools, spas and other wet areas where contact with infected skin scales is most likely. You can get infected if you have small, nearly invisible cuts and abrasions on your feet or cracked heels or fissures in between your toes.
The most susceptible to this infection are children of all ages and people with low immune responses (stress, immune-suppressing medications, auto-immune disorders).
Verruca lesions can be very small or can grow to a size of a walnut. As it grows, infected areas become more uncomfortable and can bleed easily, when filed.
When should I treat my verruca?
Mostly if they cause pain and discomfort. Sometimes there is no need to treat them at all, as they can disappear with time.
Different types of verruca treatments:
- Active debridement with acid based topical treatments (Salicylic acid, Silver Nitrate): usually a part of your appointment, no extra charge.
- Cryotherapy - freezing with liquid nitrogen: recommended for one-two lesions at a time. Additional charge for the freezing agent will apply.
- Verrutop - effective professional verruca treatment with Nitrizinc complex. Advised to use on no more than three lesions at a time.
- Microwave therapy (SWIFT): you will be referred to Supafoot Podiatry in Cheltenham for this type of treatment.
- Laser Treatment: advanced treatment, that will help reduce verruca lesion and stimulate immune response to fight verruca virus at the same time.
Most verruca treatments are uncomfortable and can restrict your walking and weight bearing for a few days after treatment. Don't plan long walks!
During your first appointment the best possible treatment will be advised by your podiatrist.